Life Sciences & Med Tech

“The work on this project was incredibly helpful in getting management alignment, something we had not been able to achieve even after twelve months of hard work.”

-Director Global Marketing, Large Pharmaceutical Company

Our Clients

Our Expertise

Lifecycle Management

Life sciences companies often wait too long to integrate commercial thinking into R&D/regulatory efforts. This can be extremely costly throughout the product lifecycle. Clinical design, nomenclature, market comparators, and more impact how quickly and broadly a product scales.

For a leading Rx company, NECG developed a psychometric target profile that drove a surge in post launch demand for neuropathway pain drugs.

“NECG helped us reposition the brand and disease state, dramatically expanding the TAM and increasing our growth rate several times.”

-Disease state VP, top 3 pharmaceutical company

Stakeholder Management

From approval through adoption life science evolves in the US as payers continue to consolidate, FDA leadership changes, practice ownership groups expand, and patient groups increase social media advocacy and company scrutiny. It is critical that manufacturers develop a value proposition that segments and aligns stakeholders through tailored strategies.

For a leading specialty Rx, NECG identified and mapped the needs of over a dozen different stakeholders and identified the five archetypes that most influenced TRx.

“NECG identified and developed narratives that engaged our most important stakeholders at a whole new level and accelerated our ramp dramatically.”

-VP Marketing (Hepatology), specialty Rx company


The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most complex on the planet, with disease states constantly changing and multibillion dollar investments required decades in advance of commercialization and marketing.

For a global mega pharmaceutical company diversified across multiple Rx, OTC, and H&BA products, we screened down to the two with the greatest potential, resulting in them being one of the largest portfolios of cancer drugs today.

“New England was not only able to forecast disease growth decades in advance, but also facilitated the alignment of disparate factions within our organization behind the one that has made us the success we are today; a huge, global pharmaceutical company.”

-EVP, leading oncology Rx firm

Sales Coverage

While COVID drove a surge in e-detailing, the need for personal coverage has returned to the critical mix of “touches” that drive TRx and recommendations. Balancing all the potential tools of contact is an art NECG has successfully practiced for years.

For a mid-size Rx company with a portfolio of products, NECG developed a unique coverage model, increased effective coverage by 15%, and increased both TRx and AWR for different products in the bag.

“They found the inefficiencies in our legacy approach a freed-up critical capacity with high volume offices.”

-President, dispensed aesthetics division of leading CPG/Beauty company


Pipeline, Pipeline, Pipeline! While innovation is important in all categories, the emphasis investors place on future sales within life sciences has an outsized impact on corporate value and is highly sensitive to swings based on clinical progress.

NECG has successfully developed techniques to accelerate both external target identification as well as internal pipeline acceleration across dozens of categories.

“We got a robust segment landscape with a series of robust targets in half the time of previous external efforts”

-Category manager, top 5 pharmaceutical company


Pricing and sizing have been an important factor in the life sciences industry forever and will likely remain so, with or without government intervention.

For a small, older pharmaceutical company with an aging proprietary solution to a life-threatening problem, we recommended a premium price, multi-pack repositioning that increased sales several fold and profitability over 10x a few years before patent expiration.

“New England made our company the envy of the industry and saved many lives during the process.”

-Brand manager who later became CEO of both the client company and the larger company that acquired them


Reinventing Marketing Leadership

In today's dynamic business landscape, the role of Chief Marketing Officers is undergoing significant scrutiny and transformation. As we witness high-profile exits and organizations hesitating to fill the CMO position, it's evident that a reevaluation of marketing...

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Prescription-to-O-T-C switches are a win all around

Now is the time for Food and Drug Administration reforms designed to dramatically increase the number of prescription-to-O-T-C switches in the U.S. At a time when both political parties are pushing for transparency and pricing reform, the opportunity to align multiple...

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