Advisors & Principals

Louis Gagliano

Louis is an Advisor & Principal of the New England Consulting Group, and a key member of our healthcare practice team.

Louis has over 35 years of combined healthcare industry experience, half of it in corporate life across various senior management roles and half as an independent healthcare advisor.

He began his career at United States Surgical Corporation in 1981, joining the company in a financial planning role. He advanced through a number of financial functions culminating as a Vice President and a Vice President and Development Officer. In this role, he identified early technologies for laparoscopic surgery, helped developed the related devices and integrated this new field of instrumentation into the company’s sales and marketing strategy. The company became a market leader in this new method of improved surgery, and continues to be a key industry leader in this field of instrumentation.

Following his career with United States Surgical, he served in consulting capacities with large health care companies such as Covidien (now part of Medtronic) and General Electric Health. He also helped numerous small and medium-sized healthcare companies mature their technologies and adapt to the ever changing health care system.

While a financial professional by education, his various roles have included operations, development, acquisitions and marketing, providing the foundation for improving efficacy in today’s healthcare environment.

The scope of his healthcare experience includes academic groups and institutions working on new and entrepreneurial ideas important to improvements in the healthcare industry. He also maintains active contacts with government groups both at the Federal and State level through grant writing projects with the NIH and CDC. Lou also reviews projects developed at the State level to improve health care delivery such as the Bree Collaborative in the State of Washington.

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Lou serves as a Senior Advisor to the Board of Pathogen Technologies Corporation, a development company with an ultraviolet device that kills airborne pathogens at rates that exceed the current state-of-the-art airborne pathogen remediation in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

Lou earned his BBA from Pace University with a major in Accounting, and his MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University.